
Complex rehabilitation of a handicapped person today involves virtually all areas of our lives. That is why rehabilitation today means activation of a handicapped person in a physical, mental and social sphere.

The name hiporehabilitation is very appropriate because the horse as a therapist is able to cure all "components" of our lives. That is why today hiporehabilitation is used as an official broader umbrella term for all activities and therapies in areas where horses and disabled persons meet.

Hipotherapy (HT)

A hiporehabilitation domain. A physiotherapy method that uses natural movement mechanics of a walking horse and related movement impulses to program motor movement pattern in the client's CNS through the balance surface of the horses back. The goal is achieved through gradual adaptation of the client to this movement throughout the therapy. The result is facilitation of reparation processes on neuro-physiologic and psychomotor levels.

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Activities using horses (AUH)

A hiporehabilitation domain, a method of special pedagogy, social pedagogy and work that uses the horse farming environment and working, contact and interaction with horses as means of motivation, activation and education of people with physical disabilities and special needs.

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Psychotherapy using horses (PUH)

Psychotherapy using horses is a hiporehabilitation domain that focuses on healing effects on mental disorders.

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A hiporehabilitation domain, formerly known as riding for the disabled. Riders with disabilities/impairment/handicaps learn to actively ride a horse, perform voltige exercises or lead a harnessed horse with view to their handicaps using special tools or adapted riding technique; sometimes they also participate in sporting events.

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Science and research

C. H. Mirákl, o.p.s. is a workplace that cooperates with the Department of Biomechanics of FTVS UK (Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University) and University of Jan Amos Komenský.

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Interesting links

Recommended centers that are engaged in practical hiporehabilitation.

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