Hiporehabilitation center Mirákl, o.p.s.

On 10/03/2012 a group of enthusiastic volunteers founded the civic association C. H. Mirákl that was re-registered as a public-benefit corporation on 01/31/2014. The purpose of the association was to develop both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of hiporehabilitation, healing rehabilitation using horses. Based on practical experience, this idea was further extended to the current purpose of the association – complex rehabilitation of children in an environment without white coats.

Our goal is life improvement for families with (disabled) children using methods such as hiporehabilitation, but also canistherapy, music therapy etc. We offer alternatives to classic rehabilitation and try to provide parents with a possibility to get complex care for their child in motor, psychological and social area outside the hospital environment.

We would like to thank all who help and support us. We are grateful to our sponsors, without whom our operation would not be sustainable. And thank you, our clients for putting your trust both in us and in our horses – without you our work would have no meaning.

You can help us with financial donations to our transparent account No. 107-8195170267/0100.

Our sponsors:

signpek HOUSE SERVICES Trask Nadace Vodafone Město Kladno Tepo s.r.o. - teplo vašeho domova ARCADIS Noria – výrobce čerpadel


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