Extended hiporehabilitation weekends (with accommodation)
Extended weekends (Wednesday – Sunday) in Řitka u Prahy.
Upcoming terms (Wednesday – Sunday):
22.1. – 26.1.2014
19.2. – 23.2.2014
19.3. – 23.3.2014
16.4. – 20.4.2014
C. H. Mirákl, o.p.s. organizes extended hiporehabilitation weekends from Wednesday until Sunday in the spring and winter months. The stays take place in Řitka u Prahy, at the farmstead Veselka.
GPS coordinates: 49°53'32.53"N, 14°17'53.918"E
Information about the premises
You will be accommodated in two-bed rooms with bathroom, kettle and refrigerator, unfortunately on the second floor, which is not wheelchair accessible. There is a hall on the premises that will be available only to us during hipotherapy. Breakfast is served on the premises, lunch and dinner outside the premises, c. 100 m away in the restaurant Na Veselce. On the first floor of the premises there is a lounge that can be used all day long, it is also used for canistherapy, music therapy and art program. Rooms are equipped only with showers, it is therefore recommended to bring a baby bath for smaller children. You can bring your dogs with you. More information about the premises can be found on www.usedlost-veselka.cz.
Program of the stay
Hipotherapy 2×, canistherapy, art program, music therapy, physiotherapeutic consultations, activities using horses, exercise for parents, lectures.
Basic information
The time of arrival and accommodation is Wednesday evening, we start with dinner from 6.00 PM. Breakfast will be from 7.30 AM on the premises, and there will also be a notice board with a schedule of therapies. Times for all therapies including hipotherapy and AUH will be set individually based on the age of the participating children and on the times of their sleep. Cleaning will take place in the stables or in the hall that are located in the right section of the premises. Depending on the weather, other therapies will take place outside or in the conference room on the first floor of the premises. Lunch and dinner will be served outside the premises, c. 100 m to the right in the restaurant Na Veselce (www.naveselce.cz). When you want to go on a trip, you can cancel your lunch, but always a day before (ideally during the dinner). Basic drinks will be provided in the restaurant (tea, water); other drinks can be bought and paid extra. We always end with lunch; check-out time is at 6.00 PM.
Accommodation price:
Adults 550 CZK/day with full board
Children 350 CZK/day with full board
Children up to 2 without food and bed – no charge
Hipotherapy price:
2,400 CZK
You can begin your stay on Wednesday evening or on Thursday morning. You can also commute to the stay – in that case the price for hipotherapy including the supporting program remains 600 CZK/day, based on a requirement by the premises owner it is also necessary to pay a fee of 100 CZK/day for staying at the premises during the day.
Payment information
Hipotherapy must be paid one month before the stay based on an e-mail with information and payment terms that you will receive into your mailbox.
Accommodation, board
You will be informed about the form of payment for accommodation and board in an e-mail after we accept your firm application.
If you are interested, please send an e-mail to rezervace@chmirakl.cz, we will send you an application form – please fill it in. By sending the filled-in application form you are firmly registered for the hiporehabilitation stay. The application can also be filled in on our website.