Hiporehabilitation weekends
Intensive weekends are organized at our daycare center in the village of Holubice; they take place about once a month. Hipotherapy is included twice a day – in the morning and in the afternoon. The pause between two rides has to be at least 2 hours. Free time can be used to walk around or have a tasty lunch at the local restaurant. In certain months canistherapy, physiotherapeutic consultations or art program are included in the program. An examining room is always available. It is equipped with toys and an activity path. Time schedule will be announced about 14 days before the intensive weekend takes place including information about additional programme. You will receive an invitation with all detailed information by e-mail; it will be also be published on our website in the News section. Registering for hiporehabilitation weekends and payment terms are the same as for daycare hipotherapy.
We will do our best to adapt the therapy times to the time of your arrival. When it is not strongly recommended by your therapist, you do not have to take all the 4 therapeutic units, you can use only participate in one ride.
Payment conditions
When you attend daycare hipotherapy as well, we would like to ask you to pay the intensive weekend together with the payment for the daycare therapy to our account No. 107-3994350237/0100. When you attend only intensive hiporehabilitation weekends, we would like to ask you to send the payment to our account No. 107-3994350237/0100 using the information below:
Amount: according to the number of therapies attended over the weekend
Variable symbol: 8560021222
Description for recipient: Child's name + IHW + month for which the amount is paid
If this cashless payment method does not suit you, you can arrange another payment method with the physiotherapist during the initial examination.
You can register based on the schedule of rides by sending an e-mail to rezervace@chmirakl.cz – date confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail. Remember to double-check that you have been included in the schedule. If you don't want to use e-mail, please call our production manager Barbora Kunstovná at the telephone number +420 605 830 245.